15 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Cyberbullying dengan Kenakalan Remaja

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    The use of the internet cannot replace from everyday life. UNICEF research results show internet users in Indonesia who come from among children and adolescents are predicted to reach 30 million. The development of information technology has made cyberspace a place for online violence or cyberbullying. This study aims to find out the relationship between cyberbullying with juvenile delinquency. This study used a descriptive correlational design with a cross sectional design. Data were analyzed with the Spearman Rank trial. The study showed that the correlation between cyberbullying with juvenile delinquency is very weak with the value of the coefficient of weakness of 0.161. This result is also strengthened by the significance value of 0.78 which means that the significance value α (0.05). It can be concluded based on statistics that there is no relationship between cyberbullying with juvenile delinquency

    Nursing Students’ Knowledge on Breast Cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and is one of the main causes of cancer death in women throughout the world. Around 9-8% of women have the potential to experience breast cancer. It is estimated that there are 100 new sufferers per 100,000 population every year in Indonesia. The prevalence of cancer in Indonesia is 1.4 per 1000 population and increases with age. Breast cancer contributes 30% and is the most common type of cancer in Indonesia.Methods: The research method employed was quasi-experimental with a pre-posttest without control group design. Total sampling was used to collect samples. The data was evaluated using the paired t test.Results: The study showed significant differences in nursing students' knowledge of breast cancer before and after they received the self-paced module (p value 0.000).Conclusion: The self-paced module can help students learn more about breast cancer. There is need for various approaches of educating nursing students about breast cancer as well as the students' ease of access to resources for breast cancer information

    The Assessment Of Implementation Four Primary Strategies In Over Coming Of TBC At Public Health Centre Of Sokaraja II

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    This research was to assess the implementation four primary strategies in over coming of TBC. The research was a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The number of informant were 5. Analisys tecnic of the research used interactive analisys with trianggulation of informant. The result of the research showed four primary strategies for over coming of TBC which were 1) information promotion , 2) Case elimination strategy, 3) Rolle strategy, 4) Assistant strategy

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Pasien/Keluarga Pasien Stroke Rawat Inap tentang Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Keputusan Memilih Unit Stroke RS Mardi Rahayu Kudus

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    ABSTRAK Widjijati Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Pasien/Keluarga Pasien Stroke Rawat Inap tentang Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Keputusan Memilih Unit Stroke RS Mardi Rahayu Kudus xv + 102 halaman, 32 tabel, 7 gambar, 5 lampiran Meskipun RS Mardi Rahayu telah melakukan upaya-upaya pemasaran dengan menyusun bauran pemasaran yang dianggap sesuai, Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) dan pemilihan Unit Stroke sebagai tempat perawatan masih di bawah ideal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi pasien/keluarga pasien stroke rawat inap tentang bauran pemasaran terhadap keputusan pasien memilih Unit Stroke RS Mardi Rahayu Kudus. Jenis penelitan adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah rata-rata jumlah pasien stroke selama 6 bulan (N=276). Pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling selama 6 bulan (n=102). Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuesioner berskala Likert. Sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial secara kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa 65,7% pasien stroke rawat inap menempati ruang perawatan biasa. Karakteristik responden adalah sebagai berikut : umur antara 25-55 tahun (76,5%), jenis kelamin perempuan (56,9%), hubungan responden dengan pasien kebanyakan merupakan anak kandung pasien (46,1%), tingkat pendidikan SMA (71,6%), pekerjaan responden non karyawan (57,9%) dan pendapatan berkisar 2-5 Juta (54,9%). Terdapat pengaruh secara bersama-sama persepsi responden tentang promotion (Exp(B)=8,313), place (Exp(B)=14,737), people (Exp(B)=23,973) dan customer service (Exp(B)=4,827). Pengaruh terbesar adalah persepsi tentang people dengan Exp(B)=23,973, artinya bila persepsi pasien/keluarga pasien stroke rawat inap kurang baik maka kemungkinan tidak memilih menjadi 25 kali lebih banyak dibanding yang memilih. Disarankan promosi Unit Stroke melalui Tim Customer Service tentang manfaat produk, kelayakan tarif, tujuan penempatan Unit Stroke, kompetensi Tim Stroke dan proses pelayanan Tim Stroke. Kerjasama Bagian Humas, Rekam Medik dan Pelayanan Medik diharapkan menjadi media promosi jangka panjang. Upaya pemasaran jangka panjang untuk pasien stroke yang pernah dirawat, dapat berupa klub stroke, seminar-seminar , program medical check up rutin dan layanan kontrol pasien. Kata kunci : persepsi, bauran pemasaran, keputusan memilih, Unit Stroke Jumlah pustaka : 41 (1999-2010

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aplication toward self acceptance and commitment to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS

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    For people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), to be diagnozed AIDS is a big problem. Psychologic problem of PLWHA will lead negative behaviour toward himself such as tend to suicide since the transmission of HIV/AIDS will be cut off if it is done. Therefore, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be given to PLWHA to develop aceeptance and commitment behaviour. The aim of this study is to know the impact of ACT toward PLWHA aceptance and commitment to himself and his society. It is an experimental design with non randomized pretest and posttest with control group design. Purposive sampling method is used in this study. The result shows that there was significant differences of acceptance and commitment among experimental group after receiving ACT (p=.000)

    Pemberdayaan Keluarga Dan Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Melalui Pelatihan Kerajinan Tangan Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Dan Kemandirian Di Desa Kedondong Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas

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    ABSTRAKKeluarga dengan anggota keluarga yang mengalami gangguan jiwa harus selalu mendukung dan membantunya tidak hanya pada intervensi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa saja, tapi keluarga harus membantu penderita gangguan jiwa untuk mampu hidup secara mandiri dan produktik. Pelatihan kerajinan tangan sebagai salah satu upaya yang dapat diberikan kepada keluarga sebagai support system terdekat penderita gangguan jiwa untuk membantu anggotanya tersebut menjadi individu-individu yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup hariannya.Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu keluarga dan penderita gangguan jiwa, kader kesehatan jiwa dan tokoh masyarakat setempat agar mereka dapat mandiri dan produktif melalui pelatihan kerajinan tangan, memproduksi dan memasarkannya. Adapun kegiatan dilakukan adalah pelatihan kerajinan tangan pembuatan sapu dan kesed serta dilanjutkan dengan memproduksinya, kemudian packing, labelling dan marketing. Hasil pelaksaan pengbmas di peserta mampu menghasilkan 5 kesed dan 4 jenis hantaran berupa: kain batik yang dibuat burung, handuk yang dibuat boneka panda, sprei dibuat bentuk bunga dan mukena yang dibuat bentuk masjid. Kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan berjalan dengan baik, peserta sangat antusias mengikuti prosesnya. Adanya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang Pemberdayaan keluarga dan penderita gangguan jiwa melalui pelatihan kerajinan tangan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kemandirian di masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Gangguan Jiwa, Kerajinan Tangan. ABSTRACTFamilies with family members who have mental disorders must always support and help not only with interventions in Mental Hospitals, but families must help people with mental disorders to be able to live independently and productively. Handicraft training is an effort that can be given to families as the closest support system for people with mental disorders to help their members become individuals who are able to meet their daily needs. The purpose of this community service is to help families and people with mental disorders, mental health cadres and local community leaders so that they can be independent and productive through training in handicrafts, producing and marketing them. The activities carried out were training in the making of broom and kesed handicrafts and continued with producing them, then packing, labeling and marketing. The results of community service implementation in the participants were able to produce 5 cases and 4 types of delivery in the form of: batik cloth made by birds, towels made by panda dolls, bed sheets made in the form of flowers and mukena made in the form of mosques. Conclusion that the implementation went well, the participants were very enthusiastic to follow the process. An increase in knowledge about Empowering families and people with mental disorders through handicraft training to increase productivity and independence in the community. Keywords: Mental Disorders, Craft

    Membangun Ketahanan (Resiliensi) Pada Mahasiswa Ketika Kuliah Di Masa Pandemi

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    Background : Based on the joint decree of the ministry of education and culture, ministry of religion, ministry of health and ministry of home affairs number 01 / KB / 2020,516 year 2020, HK.03.01 / menkes / 363 / 2020,440-882 regarding learning guides in the school year and year In the new academic period during the pandemic corona virus disease (covid 19), it was stated that the health and safety of students, educators, staff, families and communities were the main priorities in determining learning policies (Joint Ministry Decree, 2020).Methods : This study used a cross-sectional observational analytic design, namely analyzing the relationship between resilience level (building body resistance) and stress levels in students in the 2020/2021 academic new academic year learning. The statistical analysis test used was descriptive test for univariate variables and Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon tests for bivariate variables.Result : There was a significant difference in student resilience after the Proggesive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) action between before and after giving PMR action with a value of p = 0.000, there was a significant difference in student stress after PMR action between before and after giving PMR action with a value of p = 0.000, and The mean of respondent resilience after PMR action was 72.39 and the respondent's stress was 24.61. The result of statistical analysis test was p = 0.000, which means that there is a significant relationship between student resilience and student stress.Conclusion : Resilience (building resilience) is very high affects the level of stress. The higher a person's resilience level, the lower one's stress level or a person's stress level will be lighter

    The Effectiveness Of Application Of Tuberculosis Pocketbook To Improve Knowledge On The Implementationand Prevention Oftuberculosis Inthe Family Experiment Study Of Modify TBC Pocket Book Application

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    Type of study is quasi-experiment with non randomized design with pretest-posttest control group design. The numbers of sample are 100 respondents consisting of 2 groups: the control group who received PPTI pocket book and the treatment group who received modification pocket book. The research was conducted at the health center working area of Banyumas Sokaraja II in 2012. An analytical technique used in this study is the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the family in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in the working area Sokaraja II District Health Center Sokaraja Banyumas given before and after results obtained PPTI Handbook p = 0.001, while the results obtained modification pocketbook 0.000. Therefore it can be said that the granting of a modification pocketbook is more effective than PPTI pocketbook because the respondents said the modification pocketbook easier to understand language modification and more interesting because it is accompanied by pictures than PPTI pocketbook that only contains written information that respondents feel bored and lazy to read it. Thus the necessary modification pocketbook reproduced and distributed to the public both in the working area and outside the working area Sokaraja Health Center II in the implementation and prevention of TB disease in order to assist the TB-free world by 2050


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    Problems unhealthy sexual behavior and drug use in adolescents resulting in adolescents vulnerable to contracting HIV / AIDS. In the world every year, the majority of humans infected with HIV in the 15-24 year age range. Every day nearly 6,000 teens in the world infected with HIV, this means that there are 250 teenagers are infected every hour of every day. Nearly 12 million young people living with the HIV-infected condition, adolescents under the age of 25 years the percentage is 28% of the total 42 million people living with HIV. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of coaching with the peer education approach to changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of adolescents with HIV / AIDS. This type of research is the study quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling in this study was conducted using simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-test. Statistically by paired t test coaching peer education approach to significantly improve the knowledge (p = 0.000) and changing attitudes (p = 0.001) and behavior (p = 0.002) adolescents against HIV / AIDS. But the statistical test by independent t test coaching with peer education approach does not significantly increase the knowledge and changing attitudes and behavior of adolescents on HIV / AIDS (p = 0261).  Keywords: teenagers, coaching, peer education, HIV / AID